Archive for December, 2009

Using chopsticks proficiently!

Thursday, December 31st, 2009

What better way to kick off 2010 than to cross off one of the (admittedly easier) tasks on Suz’s life list?  Tonight, Kirst and I raised a chop stick and a toast in honor of the girl that taught us more about life, love and spontaneity than anyone else.  Whether we mastered the art of chop sticks, only Suz and this photo can say.  With fond memories of Ichiban, Sakura, Tiger Noodles courtesy of the Chi Phi fraternity, and Thai Village and Carolyn’s “adoptive parents,” xoxo and Happy New Year’s love!!


- Kirsten Solberg and Emily Holland, friends from Princeton



Water Lilies for Suz

Wednesday, December 30th, 2009

During the summer of 2009, I visited Paris with my parents. The main purpose of the trip was to shop and eat our way through the city. I was only there for 4 days (which really isn’t that much time for shopping and eating when you’re in Paris), but at the top of our to-do list was a visit to Giverny, a small village an hour northwest of Paris that was home to Claude Monet’s famous gardens.  As much as I love impressionism and water liles, I’m not sure that I would have tried to go to Giverny had it not been on Suz’s list, what with all the eating and shopping we had left to do. But off we went, and I’m so glad we did. The gardens were absolutely beautiful…peaceful, inspired, and full of life. I know Suz would have loved all the colors, the gorgeous wildflowers, Monet’s sunny yellow and blue kitchen, and the beautiful watercolors. Thanks, Suz, for getting me to stop and smell the sunflowers and water lilies.

- Carolyn Chao Sabat, friend from Princeton


