Archive for the ‘Go on a safari.’ Category

Southern Africa

Monday, June 8th, 2009

My husband Jake and I went to Southern Africa for our honeymoon in October 2008. We had heard so many great things about the area, our expectations were set very high. I was worried that nothing could live up to the descriptions we had heard and that going on safari might kind of be like visiting a really big zoo.

In fact, nothing could have been further from the truth. The region was absolutely incredible and the six days we spent on safari in Botswana and South Africa were the highlights of our trip. Suzanne would have loved the adventure of it all and the beautiful glimpse into the untouched wilderness, as well as the wonderful people we met at the lodges. We saw giraffes, zebras, lions, cheetahs, leopards, hippos, antelopes, and our favorite–the baby rhino.  It was the trip of a lifetime, and Suz would have loved every minute of it.




While we were in Cape Town, we did visit an ostrich farm. I tried to see if I could ride one and also check off #66 on this list, but there were some safety issues. We’ll have to keep working on that one…


- Carolyn Chao Sabat, friend from Princeton