Teach piano lessons

I have had two official students so far. The first was a boy who lived in the town of Princeton, NJ whose mother really wanted him to take lessons at the University. She found me practicing on the beater piano above the dining hall in Wilson College and offered to pay me $40 an hour to give lessons to her son. Of course, in my perpetual quest for a campus job, I couldn’t refuse.  It turned out she was much more interested in him learning to play the piano than he was, so we only had 2 lessons. 

My second student is my husband, who got me a full-sized keyboard for my 30th birthday so that I finally have something of my own to play. He wanted to learn how to play a few things so I’ve helped him learn the basics. He can play Fur Elise now, at least the first part.

- Julie Enright Furlan, friend from Princeton

195 Responses to “Teach piano lessons”

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